Friday, March 16, 2012


Hi, and welcome to my website/blog! In this portion of the site I'll be chronicling the creation of my cg models, artwork, and probably some of my bigger animations. I've never had a blog or website before, so I'm very excited to get started!

I'm on spring break right now, so I should be able to keep a good steady stream of posts going on here for the next week. When the next quarter starts up, I won't be on here as much, but I'll in no way disappear. I've got some ideas for a few bigger projects that I'd like to work on during my free time when college is back in session, so I'll have those to post about. I'll also keep you guys updated with any interesting cg projects I do for class. So all in all, I'll try to keep this blog as updated as possible.

In the next few days, I'm going to begin posting about my current project: an anthropomorphic bobcat Blender model. I actually started making him a year or so ago, but stopped halfway through the rigging when I got really busy. I had almost forgotten about him until I found him when transferring files from my old computer to my new one. I think he's a very nice looking model, and hopefully he'll rig up well. I'd post a picture of him, but he's missing his textures right now. I've got to go back on the old computer and find them.

Until next time!

1 comment :

  1. Congrats on your first blog and the start of your site! That hurdle is over... now just keep the ball rollin'! ^_^
