
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How to Draw Cat Paws

Last time I covered how to draw cat faces/heads. I also made some how to draw cats video tutorials. Today I'm going to give a tutorial on something much more simple: cat paws. Unlike dog paws, which can come in a variety of shapes, cat paws are pretty much all the same.

How to Draw Cat Paws Tutorial

Art Type: Traditional or Digital
I'm Using: Photoshop CS4 and an Intuos 4

I used references to guide these drawings. I suggest using references as well, especially if you're drawing an animal that you haven't practiced with much, or if you want a realistic style.

You can click the image below to see it larger.

How to Draw Cat Paws

  1. Draw the basic shapes. The paw is best represented by a shape like an oval.
  2. Add the guide lines to divide the paw into toes. Make the line in the middle go all the way down, so you can be sure the paw is pointing the right way. If the claws are extended, single lines help to guide you when drawing them in detail in the next step.
  3. Either half erase your guide drawing, or draw on a new layer if working digitally. Add the details. The trick to making cat paws look "right" is using curves and keeping the shapes soft and smooth, like real cat paws. When the claws are retracted, there are little areas on the paws where there is no fur, leading to those holes and lines in the front of the paws. Note that the claws are positioned more toward the inside edges of the toes, not in the middles. Don't draw the claws too long. These are cats, not tigers. Erase the guide drawing and you're done!

I know this was pretty short, but as you can see, cat paws aren't complicated. Next time I'll discuss a more involved drawing subject: cat bodies and poses.


  1. I love cats, but have been having a hard time drawing them. I am looking forward to trying your instructions here. Thank you.

  2. Thank you so much! Now my cats actually have paws!

  3. Now, thanks to you, i can move onto the next step of drawing cats! Thanks a lot!
