Thursday, November 8, 2012

New Models- Screwdrivers and Screws

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. As those of you who follow me on other sites may know, a lot has happened in the last few months. I transferred out of the Savannah College of Art and Design to the Academy of Art University (which I am doing completely online) and also adopted a new dog, a Basset Hound mix named Corey. Both were great decisions, but more on them in another post.

Today I just wanted to show you guys my newest models. I haven't been able to make much personal work, CG or otherwise, lately because of adjusting to a new college and then adjusting to a new dog. But things have started to fall into a more predictable sort of schedule, so I was able to find the time to make these models.

Blender CG Screwdrivers and Screws

I made a slotted screwdriver (AKA flat-head), a Phillips screwdriver (AKA cross-head), a slotted screw, and a Phillips screw. The screws are accurately sized to the screwdrivers.

CG Phillips ScrewCG Slotted Screw
CG Phillips Screwdriver
CG Slotted Screwdriver
CG Phillips Screwdriver Wireframe
CG Phillips Screw Wireframe

While these may not be that exciting to look at, they were rather challenging to make. On top of simply re-learning Blender yet again (I keep forgetting things as I continue to use Maya for school), I also had to learn about the screw modifier, hard surface modeling, and how to make the Phillips tip. Also, I tried to pay a lot of attention to the materials and rendering. I really want to improve in those two areas because no matter how well made a model is, its materials, textures, and rendering will decide how nice it actually looks as a finished product.

As usual, you can get these models on TurboSquid in .obj and .blend formats. They are packaged as a set.

Until next time!

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