Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mike W and Meeper

Hi, everyone! Sorry to have been so inactive over the last month, but I was busy with midterms, and then right after that got busy with final projects. But summer break has finally started, so now I'll be able to update things on here much more often.

To start, I have two new animations to show you. This first one was the second project for my 3D Character Setup & Animation class. We had to design, model, rig, and animate a character similar to Mike Wazowski from Monster's Inc., except without arms. Then we had to make him walk and have an expression change. I had a lot of fun animating this guy, especially with that big nose! I did have some trouble with his feet slipping, though, which I have since figured out how to avoid.

This second one was the final project for my 3D Character Setup & Animation class. For this one, we were given a Meeper model, and had to rig it. Then we had to animate him performing to a song. I chose to have him perform to Marvin Gaye's "Pride and Joy." It was fun making him try to dance around to the song, since he's such a clumsy, silly character. If you've never seen him before, Meeper is the main character from the "Chubb Chubbs" animated short.

I learned some good CG stuff this quarter, which I plan on expanding on this summer. So I should have some new rigs and animations to show you over the next couple of months. And don't worry, I haven't forgotten about finishing Bobby. I also plan to get back into drawing and digital painting, though I'll probably only post my favorite pieces here. To see everything else I make, you should check out my deviantArt gallery and my Tumblr.

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