Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Cute Bunny is Finished!

I finished my Cute Bunny model! That's what I'm calling him until I can think of a good name. Anyway, he's all rigged and tested and ready to go! He's really a lot of fun to animate! After all those problems with Bobby, it was nice to make something that didn't fight me every step of the way. Rigify helped a lot with that. I still had to adjust and add on rig pieces, but it really sped the whole process up tons.

Here are some screenshots of the Bunny, with and without his rig and jacket.

CG Bunny Rabbit Wireframe

Blender CG Bunny Rabbit

Blender CG Bunny Rabbit

Here's a new turntable:

And a walk cycle:

And finally, an example of how his jacket reacts to movement.

You should definitely expect to see more of this guy in the future. I want to try compositing him into a photo, and do some lipsync with him. I'd also like to be able to animate him with his jacket. That shouldn't be too much of a problem, render-wise, as I've set up a tiny sort of render farm! It's just this computer (my stronger 64-bit Windows 7) and my last computer (an out-of-the-box 32-bit Windows Vista). I transfer files between them with a USB stick, because I can't get the Vista online. The Vista renders slower, but it's still nice to be able to share render loads with another computer.

Anyway, if you want to animate this little Bunny, too, he is now for sale on Turbosquid.

Until next time!

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